Car Loan
Car Loan
Make Life Easy With Vehicle Loan
Loan offered by KSFE for buying new cars. This loan can be availed by salaried persons having a net monthly pay exceeding Rs.10,000 and self-employed professionals/businessmen/income tax assessee having an average annual income more than Rs.2 lakhs for the last 3 years. The minimum period of loan is 12 months and the maximum is 60 months.
Advance up to 85% of road cost can be sanctioned under Special Car loan. Margin Money represents the difference between the Road cost and the advance sanctioned under CarLoan.This amount is to be remitted by the borrower in advance before issuing the cheque
Features Of Product
- Fast processing
- Low processing charge
- Simple documentation
- Tenure range from 12 to 60 Months
- Maximum Loan Amount Rs. 10 Lakhs
- Penal interest is 18 % on EMI
Interest rates
54 Years of Trusted Services
We Thank More Than 50 lakhs of Our Satisfied Customers, For Your Trust And Faith.
₹81000 Cr+
₹100 Cr
Paid-Up Capital