Hi, How can We Help?
It is the endeavour of KSFE to give hassle free service to all its customers at all times. There may be rare occasion when customers feel that service levels are not up to their expected level and their enquiry/grievances/complaints raised at the branch counters are not attended properly.
Step 1:
In such a situation Customers are requested to approach the Branch Head for the redressal of their enquiry/grievances/complaints. Click on the below link to get the address of our branches.
KSFE Branch AddressStep 2:
However, there may be instances when customer is not satisfied with the reply of Branch Head, he/she may have the option to contact our Regional Office. Click on the below link to get the address of our Regional Offices.
KSFE Regional OfficeStep 3:
However, there may be instances when customer is not satisfied with the reply of Regional Office, he/she may have the option to contact our Head Office. Click on the below link to get the address of our Head Offices.
KSFE Head OfficeOnline Grievance Redressal Portal:
www.ksfe.com is a web portal of THE KSFE LTD facilitating the customers to register their enquiry/grievances/complaints, which needs the special attention of the company. For that, customer may lodge their enquiry/grievances/complaints here which will be forwarded to the department concerned in Head Office for immediate scrutiny.
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55 Years of Trusted Services
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₹93000 Cr+
₹250 Cr
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