Consumer / Vehicle Loan
Consumer / Vehicle Loan
KSFE CVL Scheme helps you in acquiring Consumer durables, Household equipments,vehicles etc., which you have always dreamed of owning
Available for
The articles for which CVL is made available include all consumer durable articles including computers, motor vehicles -two & four wheelers, certain durable medical equipments for clinics, agricultural equipments / appliances etc.
What is the maximum amount of advance?
The maximum amount of advance is Rs.30,00,000/- under this category.
Security Acceptable
Types of security acceptable for chitty are acceptable in the case of CVL also.
Interest Rate
12.00% (simple) is the interest rate applicable and for defaulted accounts 14.00%(simple) .
The duration of the advance is between 12 months and 60 months.
The duration of the advance is 36 months for electronic items
Interest rates
55 Years of Trusted Services
We Thank More Than 50 lakhs of Our Satisfied Customers, For Your Trust And Faith.
₹93000 Cr+
₹250 Cr
Authorized Capital