Short Term Deposits
Short Term Deposits
About The Scheme
KSFE is collecting Short Term Deposits for periods ranging from 30 days to 364 days offering attractive rates of interest for different slabs. Individuals and Institutions can prefer this deposit for temporary parking of fund. When compared to Nationalised and Scheduled Banks, the rates of interest are much higher. Minimum amount that can be deposited under this scheme is Rs.5,000/-
Deposits in multiples of Rs.500/- will be accepted.
Short Term Deposits will be accepted as security to future liability in chitty and loan schemes of KSFE. On maturity these deposits can be renewed for a further period at the then existing rates. Provision is also there for premature closure of these deposits.
Interest rates
54 Years of Trusted Services
We Thank More Than 50 lakhs of Our Satisfied Customers, For Your Trust And Faith.
₹81000 Cr+
₹100 Cr
Paid-Up Capital