Safe Deposit Locker

About The Scheme

KSFE provides Safe Deposit Locker facility in some units in order to cater to wide range of services to the public. Lockers may be hired in the names of individuals, firms, companies, association of persons or clubs, trustees, NRIs, Govt. departments, co-operative societies and/or body of individuals. Lockers can also be opened in the name of minors duly represented by a guardian.
The rent of the locker is fixed at the rate of Rs.800 + tax for public and Rs.700+ tax for chitty subscribers, on yearly basis. Nomination facility is available for locker holders.

55 Years of Trusted Services

We Thank More Than 50 lakhs of Our Satisfied Customers, For Your Trust And Faith.

₹81000 Cr+






₹100 Cr

Paid-Up Capital